Journal Entry 1

Date: 14.2.2022


- Installed the right Unity Engine version

- Set up the basic platformer games


- This was no problem as I already worked with Unity (I only had to "downgrade" from a 2021 version)

Invested time:

-installing: 15 minutes

-setting up: 5 minutes


- The engine + the platformer ready to be worked on in labs

Date: 15.2.2022 (Labs)


- Completed the unity editor tutorial

- Started the platformer tutorial (worked through the first 4 tutorials)

- Created a page on


- The editor test consisted of things i already know, so in result it was just a "refresh" of basic controls in the engine.

- I got kinda confused when changing the material, because all materials made the textures look ugly.

Invested time:

- Editor tutorial: 10 minutes

- Platformer tutorial: 50 minutes


- Completed editor tutorial

- Partially completed platformer tutorial

Date: 17.2.2022


- Finished the platformer tutorial (to the "Decorate your world" tutorial)

- Filled the game with powerups so the player could reach most of the platforms

- Made a game build and uploaded it into the game page


- I didn't know about the trail component, and I find it a cool feature

- Speed powerup was quite confusing first, because it gave too little speed boost by default, so I didn't know if it was working or not

- The instructions for making a devlog were a bit unclear to me, because I didn't know whether to upload the build into the "Project T" page or to make another one, as the "Project T" seemed like something we'll be working on in the future. That made me think a separate game page is needed.

Invested time: 

- Doing tutorials: 50 minutes

- "Finishing" the platformer: 50 minutes

- Making the build + uploading it: 5 minutes


- Game build (uploaded as on game page)

Files 27 MB
Feb 17, 2023

Get Project T

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